The price of every item is based on prices we found for a similar item sold on the Internet or auctions in the last six years. So you have a good indication that what you pay is very near to the current market value.
This collection has been split up into three catagories:
1 - TopTinToys
2 - StarTinToys
3 - SuperStarTinToys
1 - TopTinToys.
The prices found for this type of toy fluctuate between 25€ and 100€
2 - StarTinToys
The prices found for this type of toy fluctuate between 100€ and 250€
3 - SuperStarTinToys
The prices found for this type of toy are more than €250
All prices in Euros and without costs for shipping and handling.
Find in the description of each item:
Z-1 Very good, never played with or mint
Z-2 Very good, never played with but aged
Z-3 Very good , lightly played with
Z-4 Good, heavily played with