If you decide to purchase items, please let it known to us by mail.
Then we will send an acknowledgment of the order.
After receiving our acknowledgement, please confirm your order within 48 hours by transferring the total amount to our bank account. If you prefer to pay with PayPal we have to charge you their commission on the transaction.
As soon as we receive your payment we will mail you your receipt and prepare your order for shipment by certified mail. We usually ship weekly on Wednesdays, combining items into packages of up to 2 kg.
If you prefer, you can buy items using eBay. We work hard to maintain the very good reputation we have there.
We will put the item on: www., category:
Juguetes>Juguetes Antiguos, where you can proceed to purchase it via eBay but then we have to charge you their commission on the transaction.
Returns of purchased items will be considered only if there is clear proof of discrepancies between the by text and image descriptions of offered items - and the items received.
In case you bought the item at eBay, you have to follow their procedure of putting in a claim.
The request to return items has to be made within 3 days after receipt.The return shipping has to be by certified mail or equivalent and in the same packing as received. The shipping costs are on the buyer’s account.
If a complaint is found to be justified, we will refund the net purchase price.
Our packaging is well known for its efficiency and resistance to rough handling.
But if desired we can insure the item during transport at the buyer’s cost.
Damage occurred during transport is excluded from the return settlement.
All possible expenses extra for taxes and import fees are on buyer’s account.

The collection consists mostly of "Not Played With" toys, coming from (sometimes very dusty) storehouses of toy shops of the 1960s.
Many of these toys were lying there for quite a while before we found them and cleaned them up. It was not always possible to restore their old luster and glory. Those which we found in their boxes were better off.
Because we lacked space in our collecting years, we flattened some boxes and even cut away packaging that was not interesting, for example, the brown cartons, but we kept the colorful printed covers.
Now I regret that we did that. What we can offer in such cases are "reassembled Original Boxes” composed of fragments of the original packaging.